Thursday, September 17, 2009

Bless me interwebs for I have sinned.

I's been two months since my last cinematic experience.

I saw Year One.*

I hate myself.

My only excuse is the extreme poverty that I have found myself in of late. And I do hope to remedy this situation fast. Thus, my first (proper) post will be devoted to trailers of things that I Shall be seeing in the coming weeks and months. I present them to you in several parts.

  1. Films that were books that I love (A surprisingly large category)
  2. Hip/Indie/Difficult. For better or for worse.
  3. Teen fare. Kinda my thing. No bones made.

*Not as  horrible as you might think. There is always something to be gained from the presence of Jack Black's face, and Michael Cera's limbs. I'll admit I chuckled a few cheap chuckles, but the fact that I can't even really remember what happened tells me all I need to know about my true feelings on the film.

1 comment:

  1. I always worry about seeing new films, for fear that I will be greatly disappointed and wish I had my $47.50 back.

    I'm looking forward to hip/indie/difficult, my kind of thing.
